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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Bosnia and Herzegovina - financial assistance under IPA

Bilateral IPA II Indicative funding allocations in the period 2014-2020 amount to €552.1 million (including funds for the Civil Society Facility (€ 9.1 million), Regional Housing Programme (€ 10 million) and special measures following 2014 floods (€ 51 million)).

The priority sectors for funding in this period were:  

  • Democracy & governance

Strengthening democratic institutions and reforming the civil service – in particular by improving economic governance, public financial management, and public service delivery, and fighting corruption.

  • Rule of law & fundamental rights

Improving the judiciary (independence, impartiality, efficiency, accountability) and fighting corruption and organised crime; prosecuting war crimes; reforms tackling shortcomings in protecting fundamental rights and minorities.

  • Competitiveness & innovation

Better policy-making and implementation of reforms in the area of economic governance, competitiveness and human resources development.

  • Education, employment & social policies

Reforming labour market institutions (e.g. employment protection, unions, wage-setting) and developing active labour market measures; reforming the education system;  further developing the coordinated needs-based approach to social services.

  • Transport

Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina road and rail networks, aviation as well as inland navigation, maritime and ports within the region and with the EU, in line with relevant EU acquis and the agreed Connectivity Reform Measures.

In the period 2018-2020, an indicative allocation of € 314.9 million has been earmarked for Bosnia and Herzegovina (including the Civil Society Facility, the Regional Housing Programme and the Special Measure in support to Bosnia and Herzegovina in managing the migration flows). In addition to the above sectors, these funds will also benefit new sectors:

  • Environment, climate action and energy

Increased compliance with the EU environmental, climate change and energy acquis; improved implementation of the existing environmental and climate change policies, particularly in the waste, water management, industrial emission areas and air quality as well as emissions reduction and energy efficiency.

  • Agriculture and rural development

Increased competitiveness of the agro-food sector and better living standards for farmers and the rural population.

For specific information (programme level), see below.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Key figures