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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Coordination with other donors and international financial institutions (IFIs) - is  key to boost  aid effectiveness and foster capacity building in the candidate countries and potential candidates.

The International Financial Institutions Advisory Group (IFIs AG) is one of the mechanisms put in place by Directorate-General Enlargement to improve the coordination between the IFIs and the European Commission in the candidate countries and potential candidates.

The objective of the Group is to facilitate the development and upgrading of regional infrastructure in South East Europe in key sectors such as energy, transport, environment, human development, employment and social protection which require large investments and are essential for the sustainable development of the region and the beneficiary countries.

The Western Balkans Investment Framework

The European Commission, as the leading provider of grants to the Western Balkan region, and the international financial institutions, as the leading providers of investment resources to the region, are committed to ensuring that their assistance is as effective as possible. The Western Balkans Investment Framework makes good on that commitment. It has two main objectives:

  • to pool grants, loans and expertise together to prepare financing for a common pipeline of priority investment projects;
  • to strengthen coherence and synergies in donors' support to improve the positive impact and visibility of these priority investments in the beneficiary countries of the region.

Key documents