Today, the MSCA4Ukraine scheme, funded by the Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, has published its call for applications to support displaced researchers from Ukraine. With a total budget of €25 million, MSCA4Ukraine will provide fellowships for doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers. Interested host organisations and researchers can already start preparing their applications and access the scheme's matchmaking services and call specifications on the MSCA4Ukraine website, including eligibility criteria, application requirements, guidance for applicants, as well as terms and conditions. The scheme, which is implemented by an experienced consortium supporting researchers at risk, will allow academic and non-academic organisations in Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe to host researchers from six months up to two years. The scheme is made to help excellent scientists continue their work in any domain of research and innovation with excellent conditions and access to training, skills and career development opportunities. The scheme also aims at facilitating researcher's reintegration in Ukraine, when conditions permit, in order to rebuild the country's research and innovation capacity. An information day for prospective host organisations will be organised on 6 October. Researchers wishing to apply should first prepare an application with their potential host organisation that will submit the proposal on the researcher's behalf via an online portal. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all available funds are committed. More information in a press release.
- Publication date
- 28 September 2022
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations