The Memorandum of Understanding on the Single Support Framework for EU support to the Republic of Moldova for the period of 2014-2017 has been signed today by Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations and Iurie Leanca, Prime-minister of the Republic of Moldova together with a financing agreement to support the implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with Moldova.
The Single Support Framework aims at providing the necessary assistance for the implementation of the commitments and policy objectives defined in the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement and Agenda. It sets out the strategic further assistance for Moldova in 2014-2017 in support of the implementation of the Association Agenda. The three priority areas are public administration reform, agriculture and rural development, police reform and border management. All these sectors touch upon key elements of social and economic development, as well as rule of law and security.
The signature of the Memorandum reflects the political commitment of the European Union and the Republic of Moldova to the assistance priorities as outlined in the Single Support Framework. These priorities were identified and agreed in close cooperation with the Moldovan Government, on the basis of the National Development Strategy "Moldova 2020".
The assistance provided by the EU to the Republic of Moldova will support the ambitious reform agenda of the country to consolidate the rule of law, diversify its economy and bring the country closer to the EU.
The EU is the main partner of Moldova in terms of providing concrete financial assistance and technical expertise and is already cooperating in this respect with the country in various areas. These include justice reform, energy, health, education and culture, public finance, trade and economic development, as well as infrastructure projects in transport and water.
A support programme on the implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) signed also today, will help public institutions, citizens and the business community to seize the benefits and opportunities of the Association Agreements with the EU, including the possibility of increased access to the EU market.
DCFTA support to the Republic of Moldova (€30 million) targets competitiveness of small business, development of national legislation in line with EU quality standards and promotion of export and investment opportunities, communication and information campaigns on the Association Agreement with the EU.
Background information:
The European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) adopted in March 2014 has as its main aim to promote an area of shared prosperity and good neighbourhood by developing a special relationship founded on cooperation, peace and security. Also a shared commitment to the universal values of democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights are envisaged.
It recognizes that European Union support under the ENI should focus on promoting enhanced political cooperation, deep and sustainable democracy, progressive economic integration, and inclusive and sustainable development.
More information on ENI and its key priorities can be downloaded under the following link: http://eeas.europa.eu/enp/how-is-it-financed/index_en.htm
ENI multi-country umbrella programme
EU funds for DCFTA implementation has been granted to the Republic of Moldova in 2014 through the 'more for more' mechanism of the new European Neighbourhood Instrument: the multi-country umbrella programme. This mechanism rewards progress in democratic reforms with supplementary financial allocations.
Multi-country umbrella programmes facilitate the implementation of the incentive-based approach by allocating supplementary funding to selected neighbours, in line with their progress in building deep and sustainable democracy ('more for more').
For more information
Delegation of the EU to Moldova
Anca Paduraru – Tel.: +32 229 66430
Maja Kocijancic - Tel. +32 229 86570
- Publication date
- 6 November 2014
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations