Commissioner Johannes Hahn is visiting Moldova today on his first mission as the new Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. During his visit he will be meeting President Nicolae Timofti, Prime Minister Iurie Leancă and Chairman of Parliament Igor Corman.
On this occasion Commissioner Hahn and Prime Minister Leancă will be signing the Memorandum of Understanding on the Single Support Framework for EU support to the Republic of Moldova for the period of 2014-2017 together with a financing agreement to support the implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with Moldova. The Single Support Framework aims at providing the necessary assistance for the implementation of the commitments and policy objectives defined in the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement and Agenda. Upon arrival Commissioner Hahn said: ‘Moldova is a European country and its efforts to implement the European values make it an important partner for the EU and a frontrunner of the Eastern Partnership. As Moldova and the EU come closer, the benefits and opportunities from embracing the European values will become more visible and more tangible. I am here today to confirm that Moldova can count on the EU.’
(for more information: Maja Kocijancic - Tel. +32 229 86570; Anca Paduraru – Tel.: +32 229 66430)
- Publication date
- 6 November 2014
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations