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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Career opportunities

Job opportunities at the Directorate-General for Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood (DG ENEST)

The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is the single point of contact for all EU citizens who wish to work for the European Institutions.

Contract agents

There are two types of contract agents:

  • contract agents on a contract of limited duration (up to a maximum of six years) work at Commission headquarters;
  • contract agents on longer-term contracts can work in satellite offices, agencies and eventually in EU delegations.

To work in Commission (Headquarters and Delegations) candidates need to have successfully passed a full CAST competition.

For more information regarding "Who may apply ?" and the generic notice about vacancies, please visit the dedicated section.


The European Commission has an official traineeship scheme mainly aimed at young university graduates. For further information, please consult the traineeship web pages.

Seconded national experts (SNE)

SNEs are typically seconded from the civil services of EU Member States. They are usually recruited via their Permanent Representations to the EU.

Please read carefully the eligibility criteria.

Temporary agents

In exceptional circumstances, NEAR may consider engaging temporary agents.

Contract Agent Vacancies - Delegations

ENTITYENEST.C.4.DEL.Armenia.002 – Cooperation section
ARMENIA, Yerevan
FG IV (Living-conditions allowance: 25%)
TITLEProgramme Officer

Advise on and manage, under the supervision of the Head of Cooperation, the implementation of projects and programs in the field of rule of law, migration management, visa facilitations and visa liberalization related reforms.

The focus will be on migration and border management, police reforms, fight against organized crime and other reforms related to the finalization of setting up the Ministry of Interior and related services. The colleague will be also responsible for civil protection and will contribute to the refugee support including relations with DG ECHO.

The person will be responsible for sector analysis and policy dialogue and liaise with sector stakeholders in the areas of responsibility. 

Occasionally other tasks in the interest of service and attributed by the Head of Delegation or the Head of Cooperation and their substitutes can also be required.


Applications (CV & motivation letter) to be sent to: delegation-armenia-hoaateeas [dot] europa [dot] eu (delegation-armenia-hoa[at]eeas[dot]europa[dot]eu) with copy to: frank [dot] hessateeas [dot] europa [dot] eu (frank[dot]hess[at]eeas[dot]europa[dot]eu) (contact point).

Please indicate your CAST Application ID in your application and mention the post number in subject line.

Security Clearance is compulsory for all EU Staff in delegations and must be requested by selected candidate before departure.

DEADLINE14 March 2025


ENTITYENEST.C.4.DEL.Armenia.002 – Cooperation section
ARMENIA, Yerevan
FG IV (Living-conditions allowance: 25%)
TITLEProgramme Officer

To advise on and manage, under the supervision of the Head of Cooperation, the implementation of projects and programs of development assistance and of financial and technical cooperation. Areas covered by the project manager: Environment, Climate and Energy. The person will also manage fields such as water and waste management, as well as green economy. 

The person will act as focal point on investment issues on green infrastructure and contribute to the implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan, and the New EU-AM Partnership Agenda, cooperation with International Financial Institutions (IFIs)/ Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), including as well as sector analysis and policy dialogue, and liaise with sector stakeholders in the areas of responsibility.

She/ will be also co-responsible for Green Armenia Platform.

Occasionally other tasks in the interest of service and attributed by the Head of Delegation or the Head of Cooperation and their substitutes can also be required.


Applications (CV & motivation letter) to be sent to: delegation-armenia-hoaateeas [dot] europa [dot] eu (delegation-armenia-hoa[at]eeas[dot]europa[dot]eu) with copy to: frank [dot] hessateeas [dot] europa [dot] eu (frank[dot]hess[at]eeas[dot]europa[dot]eu) (contact point).

Please indicate your CAST Application ID in your application and mention the post number in subject line.

Security Clearance is compulsory for all EU Staff in delegations and must be requested by selected candidate before departure.

DEADLINE14 March 2025

Contract Agent Vacancies - Headquarters

Brussels – DG.ENEST.A.4 – IFIS and Investments: Blended Finance and EU Guarantees
TITLEProgramme Manager – Risk Officer
Contribute with risk analysis, credit risk modelling and monitoring to the design and implementation of EU budgetary guarantees, in particular the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD) guarantee, the External Lending Mandate (ELM), the External Action Guarantee (EAG) and the Ukraine Guarantee established under the Ukraine Facility regulation, as well as relevant financial instruments under the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus.

Barbara [dot] BANKIatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Ms. BANKI GARDINAL Barbara) (Head of Unit) 

Applications (CV & motivation letter) to be sent to: ENEST-A4atec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ENEST-A4[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) with copy to: Barbara [dot] BANKIatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Ms. BANKI GARDINAL Barbara)

Please indicate your CAST Application ID in your application and mention the post number in subject line.

Please note that this post is financed under the Ukraine Facility and limited in time. The end date of the post is expected to be 31 December 2027, subject to budget availability.

DEADLINE12 March 2025