Albania - financial assistance under IPA - European Commission Skip to main content
Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Albania - financial assistance under IPA

Indicative funding allocation 2014-2020: €639.5 million

The priority sectors for funding in this period are: 

  • Democracy & governance:

Strengthening democratic institutions; reforming the civil service and public service delivery; better economic governance; improving public financial management; empowering civil society (e.g. non-state, voluntary organisations).

  • Rule of law & fundamental rights

Independent, efficient judiciary; helping police fight organised crime; tackling corruption; respecting human rights conventions.

  • Environment & climate action

Alignment with EU law and standards; better treatment of waste and water; controlling air pollution.

  • Transport

Better infrastructure and regional connectivity; improved road safety; increased interoperability (cross-border technical compatibility).

  • Competitiveness & innovation

Supporting business competitiveness; greater market integration; improving the business environment; developing tourism.

  • Education, employment & social policies

Providing effective vocational training; better employment services and labour market policy; inclusion of vulnerable people; efficient health and social services.

  • Agriculture & rural development

More competitive farming and food sector; application of food safety standards; better quality of life in rural areas.

  • Regional & territorial cooperation

Promoting  regional networks, reconciliation and good neighbourly relations; encouraging sustainable local development in border areas.

How will these priorities be implemented? (general background on IPA).

Implementation of IPA 2007-2013 is still underway. See below for further details about on-going or completed programmes.

Key figures

Albania key figures


Key documents

  • Background document
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations