Conferences on donor coordination and aid effectiveness - European Commission Skip to main content
Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Conferences on donor coordination and aid effectiveness

25 January 2013 - IPA CONFERENCE 2013 - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (2014-2020) – Brussels

SESSION 1 : IPA II, a new instrument for more targeted and efficient pre-accession assistance

SESSION 2:  How to tailor IPA II to the needs and capacities of the beneficiary countries?

  • The viewpoint of Member States - Julius Liljeström, Director, Deputy Head of Department for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden

SESSION 3:  Planning and programming IPA II - how to make financial assistance more strategic and coherent?

SESSION 4 :  Implementing and monitoring IPA II – how to ensure aid effectiveness and high impact?

Conference CONCLUSIONS - Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler, Director, DG Enlargement, European Commission