Türkiye - financial assistance under IPA - European Commission Skip to main content
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Türkiye - financial assistance under IPA

Indicative EU allocations for IPA 2014-2020: €3,533 million (not including the allocation for Cross-border Cooperation)

The priority sectors for funding in this period are:  

  • Democracy & governance             

Improving public administration and financial governance (more efficient, responsible, accountable); improving ethical standards and anti-corruption tools; regulatory reform for alignment with EU economic law (acquis), and further progress on ‘negotiation chapter’ benchmarks (pre‑accession policy areas).

Civil society

More active democratic participation in policy and decision-making processes; promoting respect of fundamental rights and a culture of dialogue; increasing dialogue with civil society (e.g. non-state, voluntary organisations) and intercultural exchange between Türkiye and the EU.

  • Rule of law & fundamental rights

Improving the judiciary (independence, impartiality, efficiency, administration); and promoting the respect of fundamental rights and freedoms.

Home affairs

Increasing progress on implementing visa liberalisation roadmap by bringing Türkiye's legal and administrative home affairs framework in line with EU acquis and standards.

  • Environment& climate action

Protecting the environment, tackling climate change, ensuring greater alignment with EU environment and climate acquis.

  • Transport

Connecting to the TEN-T rail network; developing sustainable, low-carbon, intelligent and safe transport in line with EU standards.

  • Energy

Improving Türkiye’s interconnectivity and integration with European electricity and gas markets; promoting energy efficiency and renewable energies in line with the EU resource efficiency and climate targets; aligning nuclear regulations with EU standards.

  • Competitiveness & innovation

Increasing business competitiveness; strengthening research, innovation, and technological development.

  • Education, employment and social policies

Creating a more inclusive society by addressing employment and labour market needs; promoting decent jobs and improving social dialogue; creating effective social protection and inclusion policies; improving educational access and quality.

  • Agriculture& rural development         

Making agriculture and food production more competitive; improving sustainable development in rural areas; gradual alignment with EU law (acquis) – especially on food safety, veterinary and plant health law – and agricultural and fisheries policies.

  • Regional and territorial cooperation    

Promoting good neighbourly relations and people-to-people cooperation

How will these priorities be implemented? (general background on IPA)

Other sources of information

For specific information (programme level), see below.

Key figures

Türkiye key figures