Since its creation in 1996, the scope and reach of the TAIEX instrument has expanded significantly. It was initially set up to support the then candidate countries from Central and Eastern Europe in their EU accession. In the 2000s, TAIEX first expanded to encompass Cyprus and Malta and soon after to Turkey and the Western Balkans.
Today, TAIEX is available for all countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy in the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods as well as to countries and territories covered by the Partnership Instrument and EU development policies. EU Member States can also benefit from TAIEX peer-to-peer exchanges in the areas of cohesion policy, structural reforms and environmental policy.
Discover more about TAIEX
On its 25th birthday, TAIEX is exporting EU standards worldwide. So far, TAIEX has supported more than 90 partner countries by mobilising over 40,000 experts in more than 26,000 events.
TAIEX in action
TAIEX works quickly to design and deliver tailor-made workshops, expert missions and study visits. Watch the testimonials below to hear from our experts and partners.
Institution Building Days 2021
As public administrations are looking for solutions to persistent health, digital and environmental challenges, TAIEX and Twinning are uniquely suited to respond to this demand both in the European Union and globally.
With more than 300 registered participants and over 500 viewers following the live stream from some 50 countries, the event brought together EU experts and representatives from all EU Member States as well as TAIEX and Twinning beneficiaries from all across the world. Watch event highlights below.
Key statistics
92% of participants rated TAIEX experts in 2020 as excellent or good. Matching top experts with partner needs is key to delivering first class events across the globe. See our impact and growth on the infographics.
TAIEX assistance is open to:
- Civil servants, principally in central public administrations;
- Judiciary and law enforcement authorities;
- Parliaments and civil servants working in Parliaments and Legislative Councils;
- Representatives of social partners, trade unions and employers’ associations.
TAIEX does not provide direct support to civil society, private citizens or to individual companies.
The TAIEX mandate to provide assistance covers:
- Turkey, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo*;
- Turkish Cypriot community in the northern part of Cyprus;
- Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine;
- All countries covered by the Partnership Instrument;
- EU Member States in the framework of administrative cooperation with DG for Regional and Urban Policy, DG Environment and DG Structural Reform Support;
- Partner countries and territories covered by Directorate-General for International Partnerships.
Public officials of EU Member States with expertise relevant to TAIEX beneficiaries can register as TAIEX experts or as institutional contact points. TAIEX experts can be invited as speakers to seminars, workshops, expert missions or to host study visits matching their specific profile. Institutional contact points act as a reference point for their own institution on a voluntary and ad hoc basis and can assist in identifying and proposing experts from it. For more information, interested public officials could consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for TAIEX experts.
TAIEX relies on a network of contact points at the level of national public institutions implementing or enforcing EU legislation. Contact points help TAIEX identify suitable experts within their respective ministries or agencies, depending on the request.
The goal of TAIEX is to bring about positive change in public administrations, to the benefit of citizens in Europe and beyond. To learn more about TAIEX operations and impact, please see the latest TAIEX and Twinning Annual Activity Report.
The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique and timely opportunity for European citizens to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities. To have a say on EU external policy, click here.
In 25 years, TAIEX has achieved a lot and will continue to do so. I wish to thank all those who work to make TAIEX a success. Your work, our work for successful reforms helps us move forward together. I look forward to seeing TAIEX continuing to play a crucial role in changing societies in the years ahead. Happy TAIEX anniversary!
Olivér Várhelyi
European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement