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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood
Enhanced water management in Serbia 800x

Picture: View of therestored medieval Golubac fortress on the bank of the Danube, Serbia. Studiof20 / Shutterstock

In the years preceding the project, droughts exposed the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems in Serbia. Due to climate change, floods, water stress, and deterioration of aquatic ecosystems are likely to become more widespread in the future. Whilst water management is a key component of the EU’s environmental policies, its implementation can be a challenge for EU Member States and candidate countries alike.

With the help of experts from Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands, this Twinning project strengthened capacities of Republic Water Directorate and public water management companies Srbijavode and Vode Vojvodine to implement the principles of the EU Water Framework Directive in integrated water management.

A River Basin Management Plan as well as water protection monitoring measures for 3 water districts were developed: Danube, Sava and Morava, taking into account transboundary river water management plans.

Public and stakeholder involvement in the development of the river water management plans was ensured at all levels of the development process via the timely sharing of key documents and action plans for public consultation.

This Twinning is considered a success story as it successfully developed a coherent River Basin Management Plan for Serbia for 2021-27, and because of the significant improvements in transparency and participation of the public that were achieved.

Project title: Support to policy planning in water management sector 
Project ID: SR 16 IPA EN 01 18, 2019-2020