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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Preventing corruption and promoting integrity in Jordan

Preventing corruption and promoting integrity through international cooperation 800x

Picture: Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock

Fighting corruption is crucial for ensuring transparency, accountability, and the preservation of public trust in government institutions.

The Twinning project “Support the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission in the Fields of Integrity and Corruption Prevention” focused on developing and updating national integrity standards within the public sector. Its goal was to ensure that these standards were both adopted and effectively enforced by relevant institutions. It was implemented by a consortium of Austrian and Lithuanian institutions, and led by the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania.

The project strengthened the capacities of specialised departments within the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission to assess and manage corruption risks in specific sectors. Notably, it successfully created and put into action a practical guide for evaluating and handling corruption risks. Additionally, it streamlined tasks, workflows, and job descriptions to manage risks in a more effective way. The project also contributed to defining a methodology for conducting a baseline assessment study on National Integrity Standards. In the framework of the project:

  • 47 activities were carried out, including six study visits of Jordanian experts in the EU;
  • Training was provided to over 140 staff members from ministries, departments and agencies.

More than 100 staff members of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission received training. Six IT tools were developed to support the project’s objective. As a result, Twinning significantly improved the performance of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission, enabling it to carry out its responsibilities more efficiently.


Project title: Support the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission in the Fields of Integrity and Corruption Prevention
Project ID: JO 17 ENI JH 01 20, 2021-2022