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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Global Gateway: the Economic and Investment Plans

Making a difference

Early in the European Commission's 2019-2024 mandate, a new approach was set up to support the Western Balkans and the EU's Eastern and Southern neighbours with substantial investment packages: Economic and Investment Plans for the Western Balkans (2020), the Eastern Partnership (2021) and the Southern Neighbourhood (2021), and the Investment Platform for Türkiye (2022). Devised jointly with partner countries, the Plans aim to increase the regions’ attractiveness for investors, and they include concrete flagship initiatives in different priority sectors.

The Economic and Investment Plans contribute to the EU’s Global Gateway strategy.

Western Balkans

In the Western Balkans, the Economic and Investment Plan contributes to address bottlenecks in economic development, social development, transport connections, energy security, environment protection and human capital, so that the Western Balkans can become the next investment hub and growth engine in Europe.


Under the Türkiye Investment Platform, the EU seeks to mobilise public and private investments, together with European and international financial institutions (IFIs). EU financial guarantees support investments in green energy and green transition, as well as digital and transport connections.

Eastern Neighbourhood

The Economic and Investment Plan for the Eastern Neighbourhood seeks to promote growth enhancing investments, fostering economic resilience and progressive integration both among our Eastern partners and with the EU.

Southern Neighbourhood

The Economic and Investment Plan for the Southern Neighbourhood aims to build a sustainable, diversified economy, unleashing the untapped economic potential of our partners and further connecting their economies with that of the EU.

Financing the EIPs

EU support under the Economic and Investment Plans is leveraging public and private investments, by bringing together financial resources from the EU, international financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) or a bilateral European Finance Institution, EU Member States and their development finance institutions, partner countries and the private sector. In blending operations, EU grant funding is combined (“blended”) with loans and equity investment from international financial institutions, to make priority projects viable. EU grants in blended finance operations are often used to lower the overall cost of the investment or to improve project planning or implementation.

Impacts of the Economic and Investment Plans


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The Economic and Investment Plans in detail

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By November 2024, the expected mobilisation of investments under the three Economic and Investment Plans together reached €57.8 billion, which is 75% of the overall estimated target of €77 billion by the end of 2027 for the three plans.

In the Western Balkans, the expected mobilisation of investment by November 2024 reached €17.2 billion, which is 57% of the estimated €30 billion by the end of 2027. In the Eastern Neighbourhood, out of the €17 billion target by the end of 2027, expected mobilised investment reached €13.9 billion, 82% of the 2027 target amount, by November 2024. In the Southern Neighbourhood, November 2024 showed expected mobilised investment at €26.7 billion, which is €89% of the estimated mobilised investment of €30 billion by the end of 2027.