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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood
  • News article
  • 15 July 2021
  • 1 min read

Coronavirus: Over 3 million vaccines doses shared via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

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Following new offers of assistance from EU Member States to countries in need, the Commission has so far supported the sharing of over 3 million COVID-19 vaccines with countries outside of the EU through the European Civil Protection Mechanism. The Commission coordinates the delivery and finances up to 75% of the costs for transporting the assistance.

Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management said: “EU Member States continue to support global vaccination efforts. 3 million vaccines have already been facilitated via the European Civil Protection Mechanism. I thank all countries for showing their solidarity. Vaccination for all is essential to beat this global pandemic.

Currently the EU is supporting the delivery of the following offers via the European Civil Protection Mechanism:

  • Albania: 250 000 doses from Denmark and 30 000 from Latvia;
  • Bhutan: 129 000 vaccine doses from Denmark and 10 000 doses from Croatia;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: 250 000 doses from Denmark;
  • Kosovo: 250 000 doses from Denmark;
  • North Macedonia: 250 000 doses from Denmark;
  • Taiwan: 10 000 doses from Slovakia;
  • Tunisia: 50 400 doses from Latvia;
  • Ukraine: 500 000 doses from Denmark and 100 800 doses from Romania;

The following offers have already been delivered via the European Civil Protection Mechanism:

  • Albania: 100 000 doses shared by Greece;
  • Bhutan: 121 900 vaccine doses delivered from Denmark;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: 120 000 doses delivered from Greece;
  • Cabo Verde: 150 150 doses shared by the Netherlands;
  • Kosovo: 182 900 vaccines doses delivered from Norway;
  • Moldova: 405 600 vaccine doses shared by Romania;
  • North Macedonia: 100 000 doses delivered from Greece;
  • Serbia: 50 400 doses shared by Romania;
  • Suriname: 156 000 doses shared by the Netherlands;

Since the start of the pandemic, the EU has also supported the delivery of various in-kind help. The EU member states, via the European Civil Protection Mechanism, have delivered millions of masks, protective suits, disinfectants, and other support such as ambulances and ventilators to help the global fight against COVID-19.


The EU Civil Protection Mechanism is one of the tools that has been instrumental in providing support to countries requesting assistance during the coronavirus pandemic. Through the Mechanism, the EU helps coordinate and finance the delivery of vaccines, medical and protective equipment and other material across Europe and the world, to countries that seek assistance.

To date, EU Member States have pledged over 159 million vaccines doses with countries outside the EU via Covax, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism or bilaterally.

For More Information

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Emergency Response Coordination Centre


Publication date
15 July 2021