The ninth Steering Committee meeting of the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey took place in Brussels today, chaired by the European Commission. The meeting brought together representatives of EU Member States and Turkey. Members of the European Parliament also participated as observers. The Commission confirmed the quick and efficient delivery of the EU's commitment to assist Syrian refugees and their host communities in Turkey. The operational funds of the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey have been fully committed and contracted, with 72 projects rolled out. More than EUR 1.85 billion was already disbursed at the end of 2017 with the remainder to be disbursed in the course of implementation of projects until mid-2021. Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, said: "We have recently reached a great milestone with the contracting of the full Facility envelope, which confirms the EU's continued effort in delivering on its commitment in supporting the refugees and host communities in Turkey. With projects in full implementation mode, we look forward to reporting on our achievements in the areas of education, health and socio-economic support." Christos Stylianides, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, said: "The EU managed to increase its humanitarian assistance in Turkey, which changed the lives of over 1.1 million refugees. EU-funded humanitarian projects are helping refugees meet their basic daily needs, get lifesaving medical attention, and carry on going to school, so that we don't see a lost generation of refugee children." The Steering Committee discussed progress in implementation in advance of the publication of the Second Annual Report on the Facility for Refugees in Turkey that is scheduled for next week. More information on the instrument is available in the factsheets: The EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey and Turkey: Refugee crisis.
- Publication date
- 9 March 2018
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations