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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood
  • News article
  • 13 October 2016
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • 1 min read

A first step towards an enhanced cooperation: Twinning in Belarus

13-14 October, Minsk – The instruments managed by DG NEAR are paving the way for a new channel of EU cooperation with Belarus. For two days the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is hosting a TAIEX conference which will showcase different...


13-14 October, Minsk – The instruments managed by DG NEAR are paving the way for a new channel of EU cooperation with Belarus. For two days the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is hosting a TAIEX conference which will showcase different successful Twinning projects in various areas of banking. The meeting, organised in view of the possible introduction of Twinning in Belarus, and in particular for the National Bank, brings together four Member States and European Commission experts who will provide a good understanding of the Twinning instrument.

Following the opening of the meeting by the Head of the EU Delegation, Andrea Wiktorin, four projects will be presented by experts from France, Germany, Czech Republic and Romania to show the EU diversity in banking cultures and economic backgrounds. The meeting involves also more practical aspects such as the project cycle management and the specific features of the Twinning instrument.

Twinning aims to improve the capacity of public administrations in the Neighbourhood and Enlargement regions by establishing direct, on-the-ground-cooperation between peers of beneficiaries and of EU Member States. Its uniqueness and success lie in the fact that, for any given area, a Member State expert is seconded for a year or more to help the twin administration achieve its specific goal.

For more information on the meeting:

For more information on Twinning:
