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  • News article
  • 19 September 2023
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • 2 min read

Global Gateway: Commission announces Business Advisory Group

Global Gateway

Today, the European Commission announced 60 members and 10 observers of the Global Gateway Business Advisory Group. The new group gathers CEOs or senior executives of European companies and business associations. It will assist the European Commission in promoting cooperation with the European private sector as part of the implementation of the Global Gateway strategy and scaling up of Global Gateway flagships.

European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “Global Gateway is the EU's contribution to narrowing the global investment gap worldwide. It offers sustainable investments in the prosperity and security of our partners as well as for Europe. To further scale up the Global Gateway flagship projects, we need both public and private resources. The Global Gateway Business Advisory Group will help us to work closer together and deliver faster on the green and digital transitions, boosting the economy of our partners and the EU.”

The involvement of the private sector is crucial to mobilising investments under Global Gateway. The Business Advisory Group will ensure that the inputs from the private sector are fully factored in the implementation of Global Gateway. The aim is to boost the impact of Global Gateway investments, which cover digital, energy and transport sectors, as well as strengthening health, education and research systems, across the world.


Commissioner for International Partnerships, JuttaUrpilainen, made the announcement during a high-level side event on EU Global Gateway, which took place in the margin of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Summit in New York.

The Commission selected the Business Advisory Group members and observers following the call for applicationsthat was launched in March 2023. Members of the group include a mix of EU companies, from small to large, as well as trade and business associations and established business networks. Members are appointed for three years and have to be headquartered in the European Union. European financial institutions and credit agencies are observers to the Business Advisory Group. The first regular high-level meeting of the Business Advisory Group will take place on 27 September 2023.

The Global Gateway Business Advisory Group will also play a key role in the Global Gateway Forum hosted in Brussels by the President von der Leyen on 25-26 October 2023. 


Global Gateway is the EU’s contribution to narrowing the global investment gap worldwide. It offers sustainable investments in the prosperity and security of our partners as well as for Europe. To further scale up the Global Gateway flagship projects, we need both public and private resources. The Global Gateway Business Advisory Group will help us to work closer together and deliver faster on the green and digital transitions, boosting the economy of our partners and the EU.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission 


We received many applications for the Global Gateway Business Advisory Group, which proves the importance and attractiveness of our initiative. Today, I am pleased to announce its members and observers. The Global Gateway Business Advisory Group will enable us to truly engage with the private sector in a Team Europe spirit, collecting their inputs on how to accelerate investments in our partner countries.

Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships




Publication date
19 September 2023
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations