25 January 2013 - IPA CONFERENCE 2013 - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (2014-2020) – Brussels
- Agenda
- Video statement by Commissioner Füle
- Welcome address by Kristian Vigenin, Member of the European Parliament
SESSION 1 : IPA II, a new instrument for more targeted and efficient pre-accession assistance
- Preparations for IPA II – overview of the state of play on the legal framework - Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler, Director, DG Enlargement, European Commission
- Better aligning pre-accession assistance with the policy agenda - objectives of the high level strategic planning documents - Joost Korte, Deputy Director-General, DG Enlargement, European Commission
- An IPA II roadmap for the work ahead - Rudiger Boogert, Head of Unit 'IPA Strategy and Quality', DG Enlargement, European Commission
- The policy areas of the new IPA (1) - employment, social policies and human resources development - Georg Fischer, Director, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
- The policy areas of the new IPA (2) - agriculture and rural development - Gerard Kiely, Head of Unit 'Pre-accession Assistance to Agriculture and Rural Development', DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
- Priorities for regional cooperation - Yngve Engström, Head of Unit 'Regional Cooperation and Programmes', DG Enlargement, European Commission
SESSION 2: How to tailor IPA II to the needs and capacities of the beneficiary countries?
- The South East Europe 2020 Strategy - Goran Svilanović,Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
- Assessment of key development challenges in the Western Balkans and Turkey - Cihan Sultanoğlu, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Regional Director, UNDP
- Expectations of, and ownership by the Beneficiaries – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Orhideja Kaljosevska, Head of NIPAC Office, Secretariat for European Affairs
- Expectations of, and ownership by the Beneficiaries – Turkey - Ahmet Yücel,Deputy Undersecretary, Ministry for EU Affairs
- Expectations of, and ownership by the Beneficiaries – Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nevenka Savić,National IPA Coordinator, Directorate for European Integration
- Expectations of, and ownership by the Beneficiaries – Serbia - Ognjen Mirić,Coordinator for EU Funds, Serbian European Integration Office
- The viewpoint of Member States - Julius Liljeström, Director, Deputy Head of Department for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden
SESSION 3: Planning and programming IPA II - how to make financial assistance more strategic and coherent?
- Applying the Sector Approach to the enlargement context - challenges and opportunities - Ruggero Tabossi, Consultant, NTU - EPRD
- Growth through Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans - the moment for action - Paulo Correa, Lead Economist, World Bank
- Investing in people – the role of education and training - Madlen Serban, Director, European Training Foundation (ETF)
SESSION 4 : Implementing and monitoring IPA II – how to ensure aid effectiveness and high impact?
- Financing EU strategic priorities: blending EU grants and loans - Massimo Cingolani,Managerial Adviser - Operations in the European Union and Candidate Countries, European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Supporting economic reform in a changing financial landscape - Libor Krkoska, Head of Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
- Strengthening local monitoring and evaluation capacities - Jana Kunicova,Senior Governance Specialist, World Bank
Conference CONCLUSIONS - Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler, Director, DG Enlargement, European Commission
- Part I: Strategic context
- Part II: Key challenges and how best to address them?
- "Common needs in the Western Balkans and effective use of financial resources"; Bozidar Djelic, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia
- "Supporting structural reforms needed for increasing competitiveness in the Western Balkans"; Jane Armitage, Country Director and Regional Coordinator for Southeast Europe, World Bank
- "Effective use of financial resources for priority infrastructure projects, the role of donor coordination" Özgür Pehlivan, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Economic Relations Directorate of the Treasury of the Republic of Turkey
- "Supporting structural reforms needed for increasing competitiveness in Turkey"; Ulrich Zachau, Country Director for Turkey, World Bank
- "Supporting sector policy outcomes: IPA Components lll and lV"; Jean-Marie Seyler, Director, DG Regional Policy, European Commission
- "Supporting sector policy outcomes: pre-accession assistance for agriculture and rural development"; Jose Manuel Sousa Uva, Director, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
- "IPA Strategic planning"; André Lys, Head of Unit, DG Enlargement, European Commission
- "Key priority areas in the post opinion period: The case of Montenegro"; Gordana Djurovic, Minister for EU Integration, Montenegro
- "Efficient, sustainable and results oriented use of EU pre-accession assistance: Lessons learned from evaluation"; Pedro Andreo Andreo, DG Enlargement, European Commission
- "Efficient, sustainable and results oriented use of EU pre-accession assistance: How can we make it happen?"; Vasko Naumovski, Deputy Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Conclusions
- Agenda 7 DecemberSearch for available translations of the preceding link•••
- Outline 7 December
- Opening remarks – Stefano Sannino, Deputy Director–General, DG Enlargement, European Commission
- Film "Cross border cooperation in Western Balkans"
- Part I: Achievements and challenges
- Keynote – "Added value for EU integration of Western Balkans" – Pierre Mirel, Director, DG Enlargement, European Commission
- Themes/questions for the Panel Discussion
- "Connecting Western Balkans: milestone and achievements of IPA CBC in 2007–2011" – Natasa Gospodjinacki, Team leader CBIB–Cross Border Institution Building
- Cross–border projects: the view of the grant beneficiaries – Tonci Lucic, Croatian Mountain Rescue Services, Croatia
- Cross–border projects: the view of the grant beneficiaries – Robert Martic, Innovation and Technology Foundation (BIT Center, Tuzla), Bosnia and Herzegovina
- "Impact of cross–border cooperation on citizens and (local) democracy" – Diana Wallis, Vice–President of the European Parliament
- "Political implications of cross–border cooperation programmes" – Eduard Kukan, Chair of the European Parliament's Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo*
- "Strengthening regional cooperation and fostering cross–border communities in Western Balkans" – Luc Van Den Brande, Chairman of Committee of Regions' CIVEX Commission
- Part II: Workshop
- Conclusions
- Agenda
- Concept Note
- List of Participants
- Implementing sector approaches in the context of EU Enlargement. Challenges and lessons learned from the Sarajevo Workshop March 2010. A "How To" Note.
- Opening Plenary
- Session I: How best to design sector approaches?
- Session II: How to link sector approaches to EU integration objectives?
- Session III: How to manage the governance of sector approaches?
- Session IV: How to establish a performance assesment framework for a sector approach?
- Concluding Remarks
- Speech of Michael Leigh, Director General of DG Enlargement
- Challenges, Progress and Plans for enhancing Donor Coordination
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Serbia
- Croatia
- former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Turkey
- Ad hoc Evaluation Report on Donor Coordination
- Financial Assistance and Data Collection- Expected Donor and IFIs commitments Aligning Donor Assistance to Country priorities
- Tools for better cooperation among Donors
- CVs Speakers
- EC: Donor Coordination – In country systems (matrix)
- Donor Coordination Ad Hoc Report - Albania, Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ]
- Working Group Education
- Working Group Environment
- Working Group Transport
- Panel II - Adequate capacity for managing financial assistance
- Panel III - Linking EU objectives and country sector strategies in programming of assistance
- Panel IV - Adapting financial instruments to current challenges
- Concluding Remarks (summary presentation)
- Donor Conference – Final Agenda
- Donor Conference – Introduction
- Conclusions and Recommendations of the conference
- Speech of Michael Leigh, Director General of DG Enlargement
- OECD – Presentation of the Paris Declaration
- Sweden (SIDA) - Essentials of ownership and Donor coordination
- UK (DFID) Sector Development, EU Accession and International Assistance: The case of Serbia
- EC: Strategy making for external assistance financial flows
- Joint Office Commission – World Bank - Donor Commitments to Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates
- EC: Donor Coordination architecture
- Council of Europe Development Bank - Donor Coordination: The case of the State Prison in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Curriculum Vitae – speakers
- EC: Donor Coordination – In country systems (matrix)
- EC: A guide for discussion – working groups
- EC: Socio-economic development – working paper
- EC: Socio-economic development – presentation
- EC: Civil Society – working paper
- EC: Rule of Law – working paper
- EC: IPA Multi-annual indicative planning documents 2009-2011